Lupo Appointed Chairperson AHHNJ

Posted on February 14th, 2013

lupo150Maria Lupo, MFA, MA, ATR has been appointed Chair of the Alliance for Art and Health New Jersey.

The creation of the Alliance for Arts and Health New Jersey (AAH NJ) fulfills a goal of Arts Plan NJ, the statewide blueprint for a better NJ through and for the arts, which calls for partnerships between the arts community and the healthcare sector. The Alliance exists to connect artists and arts professionals, and those who provide health and wellness services. This is accomplished by creating, maintaining, and making available a comprehensive network of all relevant providers, and by dedicating its work to education, advocacy, research, professional development, and best practices in the arenas of both health and wellness, and the arts

The Alliance will improve the connection between the arts and health and wellness, so that all people will recognize the therapeutic impact of the arts and embrace them as an integral part of human health and wellness. We envision a day when the arts are an essential component of every healer’s toolkit.


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