
Maria Lupo, DMH, LPAT, ATR-BC (MFA, MA)

Doctor of Medical & Health Humanities
Board Certified Art Psychotherapist /Artist
Certified Dementia Capable Care Specialist

Internationally recognized artist, Maria Lupo was born and raised in Newark, NJ. Maria attended Rutgers University, NJ receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Thru Rutgers University, Ms. Lupo began her Sculptural studies in Cennina, Italy. Her time in Tuscany proved to be a major influence on her work as well as a new artistic direction for the artist. I found my cultural roots as well as my artistic heritage as a sculptress in Cennia, remarked Ms. Lupo

Maria continued her studies in Sculpture at Hunter College, CUNY, receiving a Master’s of Fine Arts degree. In addition to her studies as a fine artist. Maria has completed her Post-Masters Specialization in Art Therapy from Caldwell College and holds a second Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology. A recipient of the NJ State Council on the Arts fellowship award, Ms Lupo’s work is included in many public and private collections.


Atlantic Health
California Museum of Photography
Morris Museum, NJ
Montclair Art Museum, NJ
Jersey City Museum, NJ
Newark Public Library, NJ
NJ State Council on the Arts
Noyes Museum, NJ
Rutgers. RCIPP
The State Museum, Trenton, NJ
UMD-NJ (NJ Medical School)
Zimmerli Museum, NJ
& Private Collections

Selected Exhibitions

Adkins Arboretum, MD
Arkansas State University, AR
Athens Institute, GA
Block Gallery, Montclair, NJ
Box Heart Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
Brevard Art Museum, FL
Bristol-Meyers Squibb, NJ
Buckham Gallery, MI
Burpee Museum of Natural History, IL
Caldwell College, Caldwell, NJ
Central Wyoming College, WY
Ceres Gallery, NYC
College of NJ~NJPAC, Newark, NJ
College of New Rochelle, NY
College of St. Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ
Corvallis Art Center, OR
Corcoran Gallery and School, Washington DC
Cordova Art Museum, AK
Dodge foundation/Morris Arts Council, NJ
Domo Gallery, Summit ,NJ
E. Kentucky University
Fulton Street Gallery, Troy, NY
Galleria Tonantzin, CA
Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ
High Desert Museum, CA
Hunterdon Museum of Art, Clinton, NJ
Interfaith Church Art Center, NYC
International Print Center, NYC
Jersey City Court House, Jersey City,  NJ
Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts Gallery, Washington, DC
Johnson & Johnson World Headquarters, NJ
Karsdale Galleries, CT
Mission Cultural Center, CA
Main Art Gallery, AK
Maude Kerns Art Center, OR
Memorial Hospital, NJ
Monmouth Museum, NJ
Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ
Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ
Muskegon Community College, MI
Nabisco Corporate Headquarters, NJ
Newark Museum, Newark,  NJ
New Century Artists, NYC
New Hope Art Center, PA
Nexus, PA
Noyes Museum, Oceanville, NJ
Ohio State University-Mansfield OH
Painted Bride, Phila, PA
Park Avenue Club, Florham Park, NJ
Penn State University
Pierro Gallery, South Orange, NJ
Printmaking Council of NJ
Purdue University Galleries, Lafayette, ID
Ramapo College, Ramapo, NJ
Raw: Art Gallery, NYC
Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
Sculpture on the Beach, Newport, RI
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ
Shenere Velt Gallery ,Los Angeles
Shippensburg University, PA
The NJ State Museum, Trenton, NJ
Tiffin University, OH
Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, VA
Tweed Museum, MN
Medical School-UMD-NJ, Newark, NJ
University of Georgia
University of Iowa Museum, IA
University of Miami, Miami, FL
University of W Virginia, MD
Whitman College, WA
Wm. Paterson University, Wayne, NJ
Works, San Jose, CA

Selected Publications/Reviews/Interviews

In NJ, New Jersey Monthly,  September 2009*
“Pig in the News”, Italian Tribune, 2009*
“Lupo’s Art on View Nationally,” Caldwell Progress November 2008*
“Tribal Roots”, Montclair Times, February 2008
“Lupo Drawing Selected”, Caldwell Progress, 2007*
Kristen Boyd, “Freedom of Expression”, Time Off, Princeton, NJ 2007*
“Healing Mandals”, Caldwell Progress, 2006* “Art Heals”, Italian Tribune, 2006*
“Creative Ways to Heal”, Well Aware, Atlantic Health, Winter/Spring 2009*
Daniel Listwa, “Artist Heals using her Craft”, West Orange Chronicle, NJ 2008*
Ash, Lorraine, Artist’s work links together the Animals, Earth and Us, Daily Record, Morristown, 2008*
”Lupo’s work selected for Exhibit”, Progress, Caldwell, NJ,2008*
“Creativity”, Natural Awakening: September 2007*
Sarah Firshein, Packet Magazine, “Color Me wonderful: art therapy’s far –reaching brush strokes”, July 2007*
Health briefs: “Children making Mandalas”, Natural Awakening: 2007*
NJ Holistic Magazine: “Women: Finding Your Creative Center thru Visual Journaling”, 2007*
Storer Amy, “The Art of Healing” Therapy Times.Com, 2006*
New York Times, Arts and Entertainment: “Faux Fiddles, 2005
Bishcoff, Dan “Violin Variations”, Star Ledger, Newark, NJ 2005
NJ Monthly Magazine, Out and About, September 2004
Mickey Jessica, “Maria Lupo of Roseland wins Award for Sculpture”, Progress July 2004
NJ Monthly Magazine, Out and About, September 2003
Bishcoff, Dan “Grounds for Competition”, Star Ledger, Newark, NJ 2003
Bishcoff, Dan “Prints Charming”, Star Ledger, Newark, NJ 2003
Sheridan, Elizabeth, “Bearing Witness”, Rutgers University Magazine, Spring 2003
Howe, Michelle, “An Artful Way for Seniors to Reminisce” Star Ledger, , NJ 2003
“Maria Lupo:  The healing Arts”, Suburban Essex, July 2002
“Honoring the Process” Art Calendar 2002.
Bishcoff, Dan “Good Read on Printmaking”, Star Ledger, Newark, NJ 2002
Finn Joan, “Maria Lupo at Museum of Natural History”, Mtc Times, September 2002
Art Heals: The Creative Process, Italian Tribune, 2002
Finn Joan, “Response to 911”, Montclair Times, September 2001
Art On Paper, May/June 2001
Vivian Raynor, “City without Walls..”, New York Times, NY 1996

Selected Workshops, Seminars, Presentations

Atlantic Mind/Body Center
Caldwell College, NJ
College of St. Elizabeth
Farleigh Dickinson University, NJ
Kean University, NJ
Middlesex County Hospital
Mountain Lakes High School, NJ
Mountainside Hospital, NJ (Senior Contact)
Montclair Board of Education
Montessori School, Madison NJ
Morristown Memorial Hospital
Newark Museum
NJ Art Therapy Association
NJ Coalition of Caregivers
NJ Medical School-UMD-NJ (Keynote Speaker)
NJ Medical School-UMD-NJ (Mandala Workshop)
NJ Medical School-UMD-NJ (Open Studio Event)
Rutgers the State University, NJ
St Clare’s Health Care System
The Golden Circle, Glen Ridge, NJ
Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ (Diabetes Conference)

Selected Grants, Awards,

2011 East Hanover Italian American Club: Woman of the Year

Fellowship Award, NJ Print and Paper
Fellowship Award, NJ State Council on the Arts
Washburn University, Topeka Kansas Honoraria for”Porca Misera”
Montgomery College University, Rockville, Maryland Honoraria for”Porca Misera”
Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely, MD, Special Merit Award – Outdoor installation of Porca Miseria,
Diane McLarty Memorial Scholarship (residency) Viridian Print Studio, Riker Hill Art Park, Livingston, NJ
Manhattan Arts International. The Healing Power of Art, Award of Excellence.

National Arts Program Foundation-Grant for the First Annual Atlantic Health Employee Art Exibition

Research Studies

NJ Medical School – UMD-NJ– Art Therapy Study with Cancer patients – Adult and Children –
The Effect of Art Therapy on Patients Undergoing Cancer Trreatment
principal Investigator:  Joseph Benevenia, MD – Chief, Musculoskeletal Oncology – Chair Orthopaedics

Atlantic Health – Research Day– Presentation Poster

Art Therapy Case study – Medical Inpatient Rehabilitiation”

“Clinical Outcomes of Combined Music and Art Therapy“, Jason Chen MD
Grant: Arnold Gold Foundation, Columbia University October – December 2006-

Professional Positions

Healing Arts Coordinator Atlantic Health System, NJ
Chair, Alliance for Art and Health NJ


MFA – Hunter College, City University of NY (Combined Media)

MA, Counseling Psychology, Caldwell College, Caldwell, NJ

Post Masters Art Therapy Specialization-Caldwell College, Caldwell, NJ

Internships: Acute Involuntary Psychiatric Unit Medical Rehabilitation:
Adult, Adolescent, Pediatrics

BA Rutgers University, State University of NJ (Honors)

OCC, Cennina Italy, (Sculpture and Art History Studies)